After all of that excitement, I had to get Sean to school and pick up son Tim. Today was the day for his braces to come off! Little did we know that he now has to wear a retainer for a year! He is not too happy about that because the retainer makes his speech slur. Hopefully he will get used to it.
Tonight, son Matt attended a Scranton Penguins hockey game with my husband. The chorus that Matt belongs to sang the National Anthem before the game. Neither Matt, nor his dad had every been to a hockey game before. When I asked Matt how it was he said... "Those guys really beat each other up!" I don't have a pic for this, but another parent is supposed to be sending me one... if she does, I will update.
Since Matt and dad were busy, I took the rest of the kids to the "Rainforest Show" that was going on at her school. The show is put on by an organization called "Understanding Wildlife". They go from school to school and educate students about the rainforest and the importance of conservation. It was a nice show and the kids really enjoyed all of the animals. Sean got to be the "center" of attention for the second time today when he was chosen from the audience to help hold a giant albino python. Daughter Erin was a little apprehensive about petting the alligator, but she did it anyway. PHEW! What a day!
Wow...what a day...and a proud one to be sure.